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About Me

Hello! My name is Evan Cardinal and I am a first-year master of science, public policy and management (MSPPM) student at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College. This is my public profile for Telling Stories with Data–a data viz course at Heinz. Throughout my time in graduate school, I yearn to build upon my analytical skill-set to perform responsible and effective data science–hopefully, conducting such quantitative work in the burgeoning field of sporting data analytics.

What I Hope to Learn

In Telling Stories with Data, I strive to learn the intricacies of data visualization to make my future data analysis more accessible to audiences of all backgrounds. It is one thing to explicate data; presenting these findings to the masses is often the more difficult, yet gratifying goal. More intently, I want to learn the following data viz items that I believe will best serve me as a data scientist in sports analytics post-graduation:



Here are in-class exercises I completed meant to familiarize myself with data viz software, creating various designs, and uploading them to GitHub

Assignment 2: Visualizing Government Debt

Three visualizations depicting government debt from OECD data

Assignment 3 & 4: Critique by Design

In this assignment, I critique an existing data visualization using Stephen Few’s Data Visualization Effectiveness Profile, wireframe solutions to improve the visualization based on my observations, seek feedback from peers and friends, and then create a new and improved data visualization encapsulating the suggestions

Final project

I will be analyzing the issue of sportswashing in the English Premier League in this project. Part I Part II Part III